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For 15 years we have adopted the experience of the  leading world sports shooters and gunsmiths in the sphere of  manufacturing of high precision rifled firearm.


For​ the last 4 years we have been engaged into development of own engineering ideas for shooting sports, realizing them on large international and all-Ukrainian competitions.

Eugene Shcherbakov, The Captain of our factory team and, at the same time, a chief gunsmith of the company, is a champion of Europe in 2015 in personal competition, the silver winner of Championship of Europe in 2017 and double champion of Europe in team competition.


Priceless experience of many years we have gained for these years has led us to development and  production of our own shooting systems not only for sports, but also for hunters and the armed forces. Engineering groundworks of our own design bureau, realized on our own plant and machinery, allow us to create a weapon that is completely responds to the modern requirements for weapon systems. Increasing of the  working distances, the highest accuracy requirements ​ to shooting systems, changes in  tactical requirements for sniper ​ weapons in the armed forces - to all these challenges we respond by our technologies of the world level​.


In our high-precision systems we use original engineering decisions of our own design bureau.

Modern, exclusively scientific methodological approach is the basis of​ our work: each separate detail first is being designed in CAD, passing the stage of computer modeling and analysis of the working capacity of an assembly or mechanism, including mechanical and thermal stability analysis​. Only after this the detail is embodied in the research sample in production line and is tested in real conditions​.

We use tools of computer design and analysis for work optimization, evaluation of products reliability, usability and topmost, to achieve maximum functionality.

 Combining advanced methods of computer designing in CAD and our long-standing shooting experience, we can quickly evaluate and compare a large number of the design options and find the best design decision​.

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